
No More Laundry Styling Shoot

What an absolutely exciting weekend we had. Our Designer Faydi Saddik was styling a shoot for Elite model management agency, and the looks had to differ on each set. The concept of the shoot was focused on enhancing the models characters and utilising their versatility that would allow them to flourish in any given situation. Some of the themes or looks that Faydi created were,

Day 1 – Vintage, 50’s (both his 2 favorites) On trend, 60’s Hippies, T-bird from Grease the movie, Julia Roberts from the movie Pretty Women and many more.

Day 2 – Ancient Egypt Cleopatra, Hunger Games movie district contenders, futuristic outfits , Alice in wonderland theme,  plus many more.

here are a few sneaky peek behind the scenes images, as we await images from the photographers.

Special Thanks to Monie, Sian, Chris Blue, Chris Pink, and their teams of hair and Makeup that helped enhance the models into their characters. Thanks to everyone involved.